Saturday, September 4, 2010


i can't believe it's already almost fall again! it's my favorite time of the year, and by far the most popular quick shot time. this year we'll have more little ghouls posing with pumpkins and the like. you can bring the kiddos in costume or just regular fall clothes. email/call/or message me on facebook if you'd like a spot; they are going super fast!

prices/procedures are going to stay the same:
quick shot sessions include approximately 15 minutes with photographer and at least 10 edited images burned to a cd with print release included. copyright remains with photographer. cost is as follows: $34 for one child, $49 for two children, $59 for three children, $8 per additional child after three.
payment is due within 5 days of booking to hold reservation. session fee is non-refundable, but can be transferred to a different session date if needed. finished cd with images available approximately 2 weeks after session. due to the nature of portrait photography, no refunds will be given after pictures are taken.

scroll down through the blog (click on "older posts" at the bottom) for lots of examples from last year's halloween quick shots. can't wait to see everyone again this year!